A downloadable game

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The loneliness of the Múrmaiden is an adventure compatible with MÖRK BORG, loosely based on a Polish legend about a mermaid of the city of Warsaw. It is a story of love, loneliness, fear, and hopelesness.

The adventure itself has been structured as a four act play, but don't get your hopes up for I am no playwright. The protagonists of this story are just an example and players are free to choose whatever scvm they identify with best.

It is also a FÖLK-LORE jam entry - go check it out!

Want more MÖRK BORG content? Who doesn't? Grab yer femur and enter the below web realms:

  • MÖRK BORG - The dark mothership of a website. Proceed with caution, bring silver.
  • Ex Libris Mörk Borg – Līber Lūdōrum - A mad scribe's collection of all things Mörk Borg. The best resource for third party content out there. Sacrifices can be made here.
  • the trve Mörk Borg - The cvlt hideout disguised as a discord channel. Be sure to say hi and never leave.

The loneliness of the Múrmaiden is an independent production by Michal Gotkowski and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

The loneliness of the Múrmaiden (A5) Vertical PDF 14 MB

Development log


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Great job on all fronts: layout, art, writing, it's all great! Framing an adventure as a theatre play is a fantasitc idea I definitely wish I had before!